Journactivism in a Time of Converging Crises
Stuart Basden will be exploring the relationship between activism and journalism in this time of crisis.
Dress to Kill: Reading Fashion in Contemporary Media
This workshop will engage the participants in the attempt to read (and try on!) fashion as a medium of communication and control in todays culture.
Digital Natives: Skills, Rights and Strategy
This workshop will confront the opportunities and challenges posed to journalism post digital revolution.
Digital Activism
This workshop will introduce methods and strategies of digital activism rooted in their historical context and development. Participants will engage in practical exercise and will be able to produce their own digital campaign by the end of the workshop!
Lies, damned lies and headlines about Muslims - challenging Islamophobia in the Press
A workshop that examines how the Press produce Islamophobic headlines and stories, examples of these and the wider political context of why such stories matter. We will also describe how inaccurate and discriminatory stories can be challenged, despite the ineffectiveness of IPSO.
Isobel Ingham-Barrow is the Head of Policy at MEND and the editor of the report ‘More than Words - Approaching a definition of Islamophobia’. Zeeshan Ali is a Media & Policy analyst at MEND and has written numerous articles reporting on relevant Islamophobic stories for the MEND website.
Anyone with an interest in fair and balanced journalism, and wishes to understand the reasons why Islamopobic headlines are produced, the political purpose they serve, and why the current Government is reluctant to introduce measures such as Leveson 2 to try and tackle such reporting
Protecting Your Digital Privacy
How to take steps to safeguard your privacy in an age of mass surveillance.
Learn Stand Up Comedy
In this hands on workshop, Gerry Thompson will introduce you to the essence of stand-up comedy and show you how to quickly produce and perform a short piece of comedy material.
Guerilla Comms, Self Organisation and Meme Wars
How to beat far right in the global meme war? The workshop will flow the collective creativity of the squares movement, the remix techniques and the memetic sphere, showing dozens of practical cases.
Authors Wanted! Write Here, Write Now
An exciting opportunity for young authors aged 7-12 to take part in a free writing workshop with Sussex Young Authors founder, Amanda Di Clemente.
The Good, The Bad and The Muslims - Islamophobia in the movies & the Riz test
A workshop that examines the stereotypical portrayal of Muslims on screen, and the impact these have.
A Guide to Creative Activism
Breaking down idea making, development and planning on a creative activism.
Create Your Own Zine
Ever feel a little anti this and a little anti that? Come knock up a zine! The editors of ten successful, off-the-wall issues are here to answer all your questions on production, promotion distribution and advertising!
Sex - Laugh, Learn & Share
Open to anyone and everyone, this workshop aims to provide an opportunity to have a relaxed and informal group conversation about S-E-X. There will also be space to laugh (at the act itself - it can be pretty comical, let’s face it), share experiences, anecdotes and advice (if requested) in a respectful and mutually supportive environment.
Some of Miss Rita’s artist and writer friends have produced new work especially for her. Byline Festival Sex Workshop, and there will be ample opportunity to browse, purchase and consume later at your (p)leisure.
So, let’s talk about IT!
Miss Rita has had some sex! It was once said of Miss Rita (by an eminent theatre critic from London’s leading listings magazine) “She simply OOZES sex.
Miss Rita still continues with her own artistic practice following on from the Women’s Pornography Workshops she took part in in the early 1980s, facilitated by photographic artists Rosie Gunn and Grace Lau.
**While aiming to be completely open and inclusive to all sexual preferences and predilection, Miss Rita asks that workshop participants do not advocate or promote actual physical cruelty or harm to humans or animals.
While she does understand that personal boundaries/tolerance levels for this sort of thing can vary hugely, Miss Rita does not envisage her Byline Festival Workshop a suitable forum in this instance.
Reporting Sex Crime and Homicide: What do we need to know?
What do journalists need to know to ensure accurate and sensitive reporting on victims and survivors of sec crimes?
What if we replaced politicians with randomly selected people?
A compelling case for sortition democracy, could it create a world free of partisan politics?
Journactivism in a Time of Converging Crises
Stuart Basden will be exploring the relationship between activism and journalism in this time of crisis.